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2023 - Leslie Jordan Walk of Stars Ceremony, for highlights CLICK HERE.

2023 - A Sordid Celebration of Lives, for highlights CLICK HERE.

2022 - Inaugural Del Shores Foundation Writers Festival, for highlights CLICK HERE.

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2022 - A Sordid Celebration

22nd Anniversary screening in Palm Springs

2021 - It's Wine O'Clock

Virtual wine tasting and benefit fundraiser

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2021 - Del Shores: The Sh*t Stirrer Benefit Performance - Dallas - The Rose Room


2021 - Sissies Livestream Benefit, for highlights CLICK HERE.

2020 - SordidLivestream Benefit, for highlights CLICK HERE.

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© The Del Shores Foundation, Inc.

The Del Shores Foundation is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 84-2050488.

All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductions applicable to a particular taxpayer.

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