PEOPLE - COVERAGE Exclusive of Leslie Jordan Star Dedication on the Palm Springs Walk of the Stars.
CHATTANOOGA TIMES FREE PRESS - COVERAGE Leslie Jordan Star on the Palm Springs Walk of Stars.
WDEF PALM SRPINGS - TV COVERAGE Leslie Jordan Star on the Palm Springs Walk of Stars.
NBC PALM SRPINGS - ANNOUNCEMENT Leslie Jordan Star on the Palm Springs Walk of Stars.
PEOPLE - COVERAGE of our Sordid Lives screening fundraiser in Palm Springs honoring Leslie Jordan.
DESERT SUN - ANNOUNCEMENT Of our Sordid Lives fundraiser screening in Palm Springs.
DALLAS VOICE - ANNOUNCEMENT Del Shores Foundation Writers Festival coming to Dallas.
BROADWAY WORLD - ANNOUNCEMENT Del Shores Foundation Writers Festival first announcement.
BROADWAY WORLD - ANNOUNCEMENT Del Shores Foundation Writers Search winners announced.
AMERICAN THEATRE - ANNOUNCEMENT Del Shores Foundation Writers Search winners announced.
DALLAS VOICE - COVER STORY - "Homecoming Kings" Del Shores & Emerson Collins discuss the Del Shores Foundation mission and Writers Search and Del's benefit performance of The Sh*t Stirrer at the Rose Room.
CW 33 MORNING AFTER - VIDEO INTERVIEW - Del Shores & Emerson Collins with Honorary Board Member Ron Corning discussing the Foundation mission and Writers Search.
BROADWAY WORLD - Announcement of Southern Baptist Sissies 20th Anniversary Livestream Celebration Benefit Fundraiser
INTO - INTERVIEW with Del Shores & Emerson Collins for the Southern Baptist Sissies Livestream and Writers Search.
SCRIPT MAG - Southern Baptist Sissies 20th Anniversary Livestream Celebration and Writers Search Announcement.
AMERICAN THEATRE - ANNOUNCEMENT New Executive Director Allison Bergman.
QUEERTY - COMMERCIAL What To Watch: Southern Baptist Sissies 20th Anniversary Livestream.
PALM SPRINGS LIFE - INTERVIEW with Del Shores & Emerson Collins for the #SordidLivestream Fundraiser for 23 nonprofit theatres.
OUT IN SA - #SordidLivestream Press Announcement
BHAM NOW - #SordidLivestream Press Announcement
OUTVOICES NASHVILLE - #SordidLivestream Press Announcement
PLAYBILL - Announcement of Sordid Lives celebrity benefit reading including Beau Bridges, Caroline Rhea, Beth Grant, Leslie Jordan, original film cast members and a message from Olivia Newton-John.